Hunter info sheet
Sample hunt contract
We have an extremely high success rate around 85% and run nearly 100% on shot opportunity with a great chance at 300+ class bulls . Elk hunts will be conducted in units 34 and 36 in southeastern New Mexico which are listed by the state as quality hunt units. Season dates vary with weapon choice of archery, rifle or muzzleloader. These are draw hunts unless you purchase a unitwide landowner or ranch only tag, . Draw success rates vary by season and unit, but the odds are increased due to allocation of tags to outfitters applying hunters in the outfitter pool. Unit-wide private landowner authorizations and ranch only tags may be purchased if unsuccessful in the draw subject to availability. The hunt cost will be increased by the amount paid to the land owner but you won’t be dependent on the draw. These are 5 day hunts, except archery which is typically 6 days. Hunts can be priced for 2 hunters to 1 guide or 1 hunter per guide . I highly recommend the 1-1 option to give the best chance for success. If you choose the 2-1 option you will need to have your own hunting partner so we don't have to mix parties. New Mexico also offers a youth either-sex rifle hunt that gives the hunter a chance to hunt during the rut with a rifle and a mobility-impaired hunt in unit 34 that provides a very good opportunity to harvest an animal.
New mexico Quail
Wild Quail hunting over pointing dogs the way it was meant to be. All wild free range quail in the vast deserts and mountains in southeastern New Mexico. I am permitted through the BLM , Forest Service and state of NM to guide on millions of acres. I am continually scouting through the spring and summer and keeping up with rainfall amounts and timing in the areas we hunt. in addition we also have boots on the ground scouting during our big game sessons . Simply put we will know the best areas to take you for a succesful and enjoyable hunt.
We have an excellent population of wild quail most years. Hunts run from mid November through mid February. The terrain is relatively easy but hunters should be prepared for brush and cactus. Temperatures average from the mid 40's to mid 60's for highs; mornings are usually at or just below freezing.
Our hunts can be arranged as guided only day hunts or we can provide meals and lodging if desired. Typically we book hunts as 2 day 2 person minimum and additonal days and hunters can be added. With enough notice we will work to accomodate large groups as well.
We provide the use of our seasoned wild quail dogs. These dogs only hunt wild quail and are very good at finding and handling wild quail as well as excellent retrievers. They constanly amaze me at their abilities to locate not only coveys and point singles but track down your cripples as well. Hunters are always welcome to bring their own dogs too.
Hunters will be picked up around 6:00 am and we will usually hunt until around 4:00 pm.
Our primary species is scaled quail but we do have areas with limited bobwhites and places we can go hunt for Mearns .
some Private land hunts may be available as well
Hunts can be combined with coyote hunts and dove and ducks during combined seasons.
Arizona Quail
We also offer hunts in Arizona for a mixed bag of mearns/montezuma quail ,Gambels and scaled quail. Hunt dates are early Dec. - early Feb
New Mexico is home to a free-ranging Oryx herd that offers exceptional hunting opportunities. We offer Fully Outfitted and Guided Only Oryx hunts. We are permitted to guide the once-in-a-lifetime Whitesands Missile Range hunts. Our experienced guides know how to find and judge trophy quality for Oryx. **New for this year there is now an outfitter pool for Oryx hunts, if you are a non-resident this will give you a very significant increase in your odds to draw. We can also apply hunters for the off range Oryx hunts as well you will have a very good chance of drawing the off range tag. We have not had an unsuccessful Oryx hunt to date.
Mule deer hunts will take place on public land in several units in southeastern New Mexico. These are draw hunts with close to 100% chance of draw success due to allocation of tags to outfitters applying hunters in the outfitter pool. We have ran around 65% harvest success and close to 90% shot opportunity on mule deer bucks in the 120-180 class with the possibility of larger bucks. These are 5 day hunts and there are several seasons to choose from and weapon choice can be muzzleloader , rifle or archery depending on the season. We have a great late season archery hunt that hits the rut in January that can be combined with Javelina. Fully outfitted hunts can be arranged and may be necessary for hunts in more remote areas. These are enjoyable hunts. Should see plenty of deer with lots of space to roam and have an opportunity to harvest an animal. We also have a limited amount of hunts on private property for archery , rifle and muzzleloader.
New Mexico is home to a healthy antelope population with good numbers of trophy sized bucks. You can apply for the archery, muzzleloader or rifle season. These all are draw hunts. The archery and rifle seasons have a good chance of success in the draw due to allocation of tags to outfitters applying hunters. The archery hunt draw rate has been 100% to date with a season harvest rate of around 50%. The 3-day rifle draw rate runs about 70% and we have 100% harvest success to date. Rifle and archery hunts will be guided only hunts and most draw areas are close to lodging and restaurants. The muzzleloader season is 4 days. We will apply for unit 29 which has real potential for Boone and Crockett antelope. Draw success rates have ran around 70% there are very limited number of tags for this hunt.harvest success has been 100% to date. Due to the remote nature of this hunt i offer it fully outfitted 2 on 1 or 1 on1 guided. We also offer private ranch only hunts with no need to draw subject to availability.
We offer draw hunts for aoudad /Barbary sheep in various units in southeast NM. The hunt takes place in Feb. as a 5 day 2 on 1 guided only hunt. we have had 100% success drawing hunters in the outfitter pool with an 85% harvest success and 100% shot opportunity . This is a fun and affordable hunt in wild challenging country for free ranging Aoudad. We do have private ranch Aoudad hunts available from time to time call for details and availability.
We are offer a very high quality hunt on a private ranch in Texas. The hunt area is about 90 minutes east of Lubbock. This ranch has received very limited hunting over the last 10 years and has developed to the point that we can offer a highly successful hunt for mature bucks. These are low fence free ranging deer. The uniqueness of this property allows us to offer a quality hunting experience. Expect to have the opportunity to harvest mature bucks in the 140-160 class with the potential to take bucks into the 170 class. We only take 4 hunters per year and we have had 100% success usually on the 1st day. The hunts will be conducted as two 3 1/2 day fully outfitted hunts with 2 hunters per hunt, or if a group of 4 wants to book we may consider doing one 5 1/2 day hunt. Hunts will take place from November to late dec. We have multiple stands and feeders in place that will receive no hunting pressure prior to the first hunters arriving. In addition to the stands we will also glass and stalk, and rattling can be productive in this area as the buck to doe ratio is nearly 1 to 1. If desired, you also can harvest 1 doe and we do see feral hogs on occasion. You will stay in very comfortable accommodations. Included in the hunt will be all meals, guiding, meat and trophy preparation. We can also assist in getting your meat and trophy to a qualified butcher and taxidermist if desired. You will not be disappointed with this hunt.
Coyote season is year round other furbearers can be harvested during furbearer season nov 1st - mar 15th with a proper furbearer license. These are all guided only day hunts although multiple days can be booked. Primary months are December through March. Coyote hunts can be combined with quail hunts November through February. This is great winter time hunt i have some of the most experienced predator callers around to make your hunt as enjoyable as possible.