Hunter info sheet
Sample hunt contract

Elk Hunts
Unitwide and private ranch tags may be available for unit 36 and 34 and other units call or email for details and pricing
Available tags
unit 36 unitwide
1 archery good sept 1-14 or sept 15-24
3 Rifle or Muzzleloader good fro MZ oct 8-12 or rifle Oct 15-19 or Oct 29- Nov 2
Reserve your spots now for next year . Also taking info to apply hunters in the 2016-2017 season

5 spots unitwide tags muzzleloader in unit 29 oct 22-25 2 on 1 guided with meals and lodging $3850 ea this is a very high quality hunt in remote scenic country with the potetntial to take B&C bucks without meals and lodging $2950

Mule Deer Hunts
Two spots private 6000 ac ranch in unit 36 good for muzzleloader oct 22-26 2016 or archery any 5 days jan 1-15 2017, 2 on 1 guided with meals and lodging
***Early booking special $3500 ea ***
Call or email for details and other possible hunts.

Wild Quail ,
Waterfowl, Dove , and Predators
Wild Quail hunts in the deserts of New Mexico and Arizona nov 15-feb 15 all hunt dates subject to availability and are booked 1st come 1st serve , hunt dates are reserved with a 50% deposit
Coyote and furbeares nov 1st - march 15th hunt dates subject to availability. *** Early booking special if booked by Oct. 1st $250 per day 2 hunter 2 day min. normally $300
Dove hunts sept 1 -30 and dec 1st -31st
*** early book price $125 ea 2 hunter min 1/2 day hunt morning or evening normally $150 ea ***
waterfowl nov 1st -jan 15th 1/2 day hunt 2 hunter min $225 ea. if booked by oct 1st normally $275ea
hunts can be combined when season dates overlap , call or email for available hunt dates , hunt prices are on the hunt cost page.

Texas Whitetail
sold **
prices do not include sales tax or licenses
All hunts reserved with a 50% deposit